Finger and Hand Exercises

Finger and Hand Exercises

Exercises included in the Finger and Hand category of PT-Connect exercise prescription service and PT-Helper Pro mobile app are prescribed by physical therapists and other health professionals for arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, dislocated finger, metacarpal fracture, skier’s thumb (ulnar collateral ligament injury), osteoarthritis, tendinitis and other injuries.

An example of pictures within a Finger and Hand exercise is shown below for Active Finger MCP Flex/Ext Blocked.

A video of the PT-Helper Pro demonstrating the Active Finger MCP Flex/Ext Block exercise is shown below. PT-Helper Pro uses pseudo-animation to demonstrate how to do the exercise while keeping track of Hold times and counting repetitions and sets to help patients complete their home exercises.

Examples of other Finger and Hand exercises are shown below. Additional exercises can be found in PT-Connect exercise prescription service or PT-Helper Pro mobile app for patients.

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