PT-Connect User Created Exercises


PT-Connect allows users to create their own unique exercises that can be prescribed to patients or clients. User created exercises will be only available to the individual users within the organization’s account. Users can choose to share their exercises with PT-Helper which may then illustrate the submitted exercises and make it available to all PT-Connect users.

There are 2 ways to create exercises:

  1. Select  within the user’s Settings page; or 
  2. While adding new exercises to a patient’s/client’s exercise plan.

The simplest method to create an exercise is within the exercise selection page with the Create New Exercise button shown in the sceenshot below.

Selecting Create New Exercise will bring up the Add Exercise page shown below. The Add Exercise page allows the user to specify all of the parameters of the exercise: name, description, images, categories, sets, reps, etc. The name and description fields support multiple languages.

By default, the My Exercises category is selected. More than one category can be selected simultaneously. The new exercise will be listed within all categories selected. Keeping My Exercises selected will enable you to easily locate all of your unique exercises that you have created.

Selecting Upload Exercise Image at the top right of the Add Exercise page will bring up a pop-up window shown in below.

Further selection of Upload Exercise Image on the left will bring up the file browser to enable you to select a picture to add to the exercise. Picture selection only supports selecting one (1) picture at a time.

The Edit Exercise Images page supports rotating the image as well as defining how the pictures are used within the PT-Helper mobile app exercise. Additional information on defining the parameters of the pictures can be found in PT-Helper Exercise Definitions. The screenshot below shows an example of using a series of pictures to define an exercise flow.

Once you have selected and defined all of the exercise pictures, press Save changes to return to the Add Exercise page to complete defining the remaining parameters of the exercise. Once an exercise has been saved, it can be added to a patient’s treatment plan.

User Edited Exercises

PT-Connect users can also edit existing exercises to customize them to their specific needs. Selecting the edit symbol in the Add Exercise page will create a copy of the exercise that the user can modify. This modified copy will only be available for users within the same organization’s account.

Selecting the Edit symbol will bring up the Edit Exercise page shown below. This version of the exercise will have My Exercises pre-selected and will be a private copy for the user. The user can change the name, description, pictures and default parameters for the exercise.

Managing My Exercises

To manage user created or edited exercises, go to the Settings page and select  User created exercises can be edited or deleted from this location.